This business offers a free consulting service, to other businesses. Capital Pursuit relies upon a cache of select out-source business solutions – priced to be competitive. The initial business name was MYBI (acronym: …don’t ask), the web domain name was: After a candid discussion about presentation marketing, and positioning a product in the mind of a consumer – the client agreed to a name change.
“Operating capital” is the life blood in all business ventures, and this business works to improve a company’s bottom line… “Capital Pursuit” was a natural name choice. The web domain name, need help; the first choice was taken, so we added an action verb prefix:”tell”.
The “Capital Pursuit” business name loosely alludes to a board game “Trivial Pursuit”. The pie chart support graphic above offers another loose association. The chart actually resembles player tokens from the game, but that is where the game association ends. The web site was framed with hard work, ethics, and shoe images.
art director
graphic designer
Corel Draw
Adobe Illustrator