If you see it here, there was a computer in the mix. The significance of “computer graphics” in general is equal to what radio did for music and musicians in the last century. Graphic artists in the digital age means more options in less time. Just write; just compose, just imagine.

Full color version of poster art I created for the “Light Up Your Holidays” tour in Asheville, North Carolina.

Full color version of poster art for the “Taste of the Holidays” tour in Asheville, North Carolina.

My niece is now driving and my sister asked me to do some artwork for her car.

The first in a series of technical illustrations created for a scaffolding company’s catalog; this illustration shows a complex stairway configuration.
A small sampling of over forty spot illustrations I created for a Veterans Hospital online training course.

Silk screen art of Asheville, North Carolina on a spring morning and hazy lazy summer day.